Welcome To A Covid Safe Church
Please Take Note Of The Following;
- Usher to ensure 2-Metres Social Distancing.
- Wrist-Temperature monitoring using non-contact Infra-Red thermometer gun. Anyone with temperature in excess of 37.5 degrees Celsius to be sent back home and into self-isolation.
- Mandatory wearing of face-covering/provision of face-masks for non-wearers.
- Automatic hand sanitizing dispenser is used.
- 2-Metres Social Distancing along stairs leading to entrance of Reception Hall.
- Usher to ensure 2-Metres Social distancing into Reception area and along the corridor into the Auditorium and other adjoining rooms.
- Floor markings with 2-Metres Social Distancing.
- Hand sanitizers in Reception area to be used by all.
- Carefully managed by Ushers at each entrance/exit.
- Signs/Posters.
- Social Distancing.
- Good hand-hygiene – hand sanitizing on entry/exit or soap and water.
- 45 minutes regular cleaning of surfaces with alcohol-based disinfectant during service.
- Provision of antiseptic wipes to clean surfaces before and after use.
- Locked and out of use – no food or drink provision or consumption.
- Restricted capacity due to Social Distancing.
- Floor markings in place.
- Seating together of households with 1.5-Metres Social Distancing between households (with risk mitigation) and unrelated individuals.
- Mandatory wearing of face covering (masks & shields).
- Improved ventilation – windows opened.
- No face-to-face seating.
- 2 Operators only.
- Face masks and gloves to be worn.
- 5-Metre Social Distancing to be maintained.
- No face-to-face when speaking to each other.
- Service time of 90 minutes maximum.
- Limited singing time – singing will be restricted to 1 chorister only with a face-shield in place (plexi glass shield).
- Congregants will be wearing face covering.
- No exuberant dancing, handshakes or hugging.
- Officiating Ministers (Apostle/ 2 Revs) will be restricted to the Pulpit area during preaching and delivering of sermon.
- No laying of hands.
- 1 chorister only to sing and will be using a plexi glass screen.
- Guitar and Keyboard will be restricted to individualized use.
- Guitar and Keyboard will be thoroughly cleaned before and after use with alcohol-based disinfectant.
- Drumsticks will be individualized and subject to cleaning with antiseptic disinfectant wipes before and after use.
- Contactless method to be employed.
- Use of “Prefilled Communion bread, Water and Juice”
- Infants’ regular household (Parent/guardian) will hold the infant.
- All individuals involved to thoroughly wash their hands before and after to ensure good hygiene.
- Contactless donation to be encouraged via On-line bank transfer – GHM Card-Machine.
- Use of the altar or dedicated basket.
- Counters to wear gloves and face masks.
- Supervision by parent/guardian. To stay and sit with parent/guardian during service and whilst on-site.
- Hands washed for 20-seconds with soap and water and dried/ use of hand sanitizer.
- Avoid touching another person’s property.
- Communal resources eg: bibles and devotional material will be removed from use.
- Individuals who are shielding should continue to follow the Governments’ advice on shielding and follow the service on-line, GHM Radio, You Tube, and Face Book.
- Individuals aged 70 and over regardless of their medical conditions can stay home as much as possible and if they do go out must take particular care to minimize contact with others outside their household.
- They can also access the service remotely as already described for shielders.
- The entire church premises from the entrance along the stairs, corridors and all the rooms in use will be fumigated with at least a 1-hour interval before the start of service every week.
- All surfaces will be cleaned with alcohol-based. disinfectant.
- No physical contact before, during and after church service.
- Maintenance of 2 metres social distancing when talking to other people outside one’s household.
- Anyone exhibiting bouts of persistent coughing or sneezing will be politely asked to leave the premises and self-isolate/seek medical attention.
- Prompt and swift departure from the premises at the end of service(mandatory!)
- Church attendance on site at Lewisham will be restricted to Sundays only until further notice.
- Wednesday and Friday services will continue On-line, GHM Radio, You Tube and Facebook.
- Normal cleaning of the Church premises will now include the use of alcohol-based disinfectants to wipe surfaces, chairs, podium, door handles and cabinet handles.
- Railings on the staircase will be additionally cleaned with alcohol-based disinfectant at 45-minute intervals during church service.
- Fumigation of entire church premises (already described).
- Ushers will wear a transparent face shield. This will allow them to give directions/instructions with clarity of voice.
- Ushers will be vigilant in enforcing the guidelines of this Covid -19 Risk Assessment for Global Harvest Ministries especially those pertaining to social distancing and hand hygiene protocols with sensitivity and politeness.