Devotional Messages

Hebrews 11:1-6

I’ve had the privilege of flying in several single-engine airplanes, but never once have I asked the pilot about his qualifications or the trustworthiness of the plane. I simply expected him and his aircraft to carry me safely to my destination. We usually don’t have trouble relying on planes or automobiles without question, yet we sometimes fail to trust the Lord.

Our faith in God is like spiritual glasses through which we view the world around us. Our physical eyesight may not detect His almighty hand working in the events and situations of life, but faith looks beyond the externals to the truth and promises of Scripture.

Our foundation of assurance is built upon God’s Word and our experiences of His trustworthiness. We have no cause for worry or uncertainty because the Lord of the universe is sovereign over every event under heaven, and that includes the details of our lives. Philippians 4:6-7 tells us not to be anxious; instead, we’re to bring our concerns and requests to God with thanksgiving, trusting Him to work it all out according to His will. Then His peace will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Have a graceful, blessed and spirit filled day. We Love you and always want you to prosper in Jesus Mighty Name.

Apostle Dr and Mrs Oteng
Global Harvest Ministries
GHM Worldwide
Where Everyone is blessed
City of Refuge

2 Corinthians 12:7-10

One of the benefits of adversity is that it challenges our pride.

Paul experienced this kind of intervention through what he called “a thorn in the flesh,” and the Lord used it to hone his effectiveness as a servant of Christ (2 Corinthians 12:7).

We don’t usually realize what’s at stake when we allow pride to take root in our life, but it affects how God interacts with us, as He “is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6).

Pride will prevent Christians from reaching the potential of what God wants to do in and through them.

Even if the world sees them as a success, a self-motivated and self-empowered ministry lacks value in the Lord’s eyes.

Can you see how much was at stake for Paul
—and for believers throughout history? God used the apostle to build up churches and write letters that would become a major portion of our New Testament.

When he understood the reason for his “thorn,” Paul reacted with trust and gratitude for the Lord’s wise and loving protection.

Perhaps you can see why adversity may be beneficial for you, too. Each of us has been given areas of influence. Humble yourself today so God can use you greatly.

Have a graceful, blessed and Spirit filled day. We Love you and always want you to prosper in Jesus Mighty Name.

Apostle Dr and Mrs Oteng
Global Harvest Ministries
Where Everyone is Blessed
City of Refuge

In 1 Corinthians 9

Our rights are among the most difficult things for us to relinquish, and that’s because letting go of them often feels unjust. After all, they are by definition a claim that we are morally or legally entitled to have something or to act in a certain way. Yet in order to serve Christ more effectively, the apostle Paul chose not to insist on certain rights and privileges.

Godly freedom carries responsibility and therefore shouldn’t be a selfish means of making others treat us as we desire. As 1 Peter 2:16 says, our freedom is not to be a covering for evil, but we’re to “use it as bondslaves of God.” Jesus set us free from the power of sin so we could obey the Lord, and part of obedience is serving one another unselfishly. God also wants His followers to share the good news of salvation and forgiveness of sins through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

If we believe that God has liberated us only for ourselves, then we have missed the point and are abusing our freedom. Paul likened the Christian life to competition at Olympic-style games. In the world’s system, a person wins by demanding his or her rights. But in God’s race, we’re victorious when we discipline ourselves to obey Him and fulfill His purpose.

Have a graceful, blessed and spirit filled day.
We Love you and always want you to prosper in Jesus Mighty Name.

Apostle Dr and Mrs Oteng
Global Harvest Ministries
GHM Worldwide
Where Everyone is blessed
City of Refuge

In Romans 4:5

“But to him who does not work but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness”,
What do you think righteousness is about? Something you do or something you are? Right doing or right being?

The Bible tells us that after Jesus’ sacrifice at the cross, God imputes righteousness not to those who strive to obey the law (Galatians 2:16), but to anyone who believes in His Son. Because Christ took our sins and gave us His righteousness ( 2 Corinthians 5:21), the moment we believe in Him, God treats us as righteous apart from our works or obedience (see Romans 4:5–8). This is new covenant righteousness—a righteousness that comes by faith and not works.

You are not righteous because of how morally upright you are. You are not righteous because you exercise self-control. You are not righteous because you read 10 chapters of the Bible daily. You are not righteous because you feel righteous. But you are the very righteousness of God in Christ solely because the sacrifice of Jesus made you so. When you believe this, your faith is accounted for righteousness.
And this is what God wants you to use your faith for. If you are righteous by your deeds, you don’t need faith.

You also don’t need faith to know that you are sinful. But you need faith to believe and declare that you are the righteousness of God in Christ, in the midst of your struggles with temptation and sin.

For example, when you feel lousy because you have just shouted at your wife, God wants you to exercise your faith to see yourself as still righteous in the midst of that failure. This living revelation that you are still righteous will give you the strength to love your wife and reconcile things with her.

The devil may remind you of your foul temper and question your integrity: “How dare you call yourself righteous when you just did that!” Just ignore his lies and boldly declare, “I am not righteous because of what I have done or not done. I am righteous only because of the blood and finished work of Jesus at the cross!”

Have a graceful, blessed and spirit filled day in Jesus mighty Name. We Love you and always want you to prosper in Jesus mighty Name.

Apostle Dr and Mrs Oteng
Global Harvest Ministries Worldwide GHM
Where Everyone is blessed
City of Refuge

Malachi 3:8-12

The prophet Malachi issued a warning to the Israelites about their unacceptable stewardship. By not following God’s principles in handling the resources He had provided to them, they were robbing Him of their tithes.

Since we too are given resources from the Lord, we must likewise handle our earnings according to biblical principles.

First, that means acknowledging that God is the owner of all things (Psalm 50:10-12). He created the heavens, the earth, and everything in them, and everything we have comes from His hand.

Secondly, we are to recognise that God has appointed His children to be stewards of His possessions.

We are to use wisely what He has given us and return to Him a portion of what He’s entrusted to us (1 Corinthians 16:1-2; 1 Timothy 6:17-18).

When we give to the church and to the needy, we are giving to God.

The Lord asks that we give Him the first part of all we earn (Prov. 3:9-10), but not because He needs it
—He already owns it, whether we give it to Him or not.

Rather, we’re the ones who need to learn to rely on Him as our provider and respond with generosity, obedience, and gratitude for His kindness toward us.

Have a graceful, blessed and spirit filled day. We Love you and always want you to prosper in Jesus Mighty Name.

Apostle Dr and Mrs Oteng
Global Harvest Ministries
GHM Worldwide
Where Everyone is blessed
City of Refuge

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